Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mochi Madness...

One bite into the Hawaiian Mochi Cake at Murata's Coffee Shop and I was desperately hooked! The Mochi is buttery, slightly chewy and cake-like all at the same time. Thus began my search for the perfect recipe. While there are many recipes online for "Butter Mochi", the very BEST one is by blogger Ono Kine Grindz. I have made this recipe countless times and it is always a hit!

Some variations/ tips-

  • I use 2 cups of sugar to achieve the right sweetness for me.
  • I bake the Mochi in two 9x9 non-stick pans to achieve the MAXIMUM number of "corner pieces".
  • Coat the pans with a tiny bit of cooking spray so that it doesn't stick.
  • Top with shredded Coconut after 45 mins in the oven, and bake for the remaining 15 mins. Coconut on top will be nice and brown!
  • Cut each pan into 16 pieces and serve in cute & colorful cupcake liners! Enjoy!